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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

ada - How to save an Access type of a Discriminant record for later use


How do I save an Access Pointer to a discriminant record for use later on in the program? In main.adb (1) I demonstrate how I was able to get it to compile, but I get a runtime error: raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed


This is small example program based on a much larger/complex codebase.


i. The solution is required to be Ada95 Compatible.

ii. The solution must not change the package specification of Foo.ads as this is existing code that must be used as-is.


with Interfaces;
package Foo is
       type Base_Class is abstract tagged limited private;
       type Base_Class_Ref is access all Base_Class'Class;
       for Base_Class_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;

        Max_Count : constant := 6;

        type Count_Type is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16 range 1 .. Max_Count;

        type Foo_Class (Max : Count_Type) is new Base_Class with private;

        type Foo_Class_Ref is access all Foo_Class;
        for Foo_Class_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;

        procedure Initialize (This_Ptr : Access Foo_Class);
        function Get_Using_Pointer (This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;

   type Base_Class is abstract tagged limited null record;
   type My_Data_Type is
           X, Y, Z : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
        end record;

    type My_Data_Array is
        array (Count_Type range <>) of My_Data_Type;

    type Foo_Class (Max : Count_Type) is new Base_Class with
            Other_Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
            Data       : My_Data_Array(1 .. Max);
        end record;

end Foo;


package body Foo is

    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
    procedure Initialize (This_Ptr : Access Foo_Class) is
        This_Ptr.Other_Data := 0;
        This_Ptr.Data := (others => (0,0,0));
    end Initialize;

    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
    function Get_Using_Pointer (This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref)
        return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 is
        return This_Ptr.Other_Data;
    end Get_Using_Pointer;

end Foo;


-- Issue:
-- How do I save an Access Pointer for later use (1) to a discriminent record?
-- Constraints:
--  i. The solution is required to be Ada95 Compatible.
-- ii. The solution must not change the package specification of Foo.ads
with Interfaces;
with Foo;

procedure Main is

    Foo_Count : constant := 3;
    Foo_Obj   : aliased Foo.Foo_Class (Max => Foo_Count);

   procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class) is      

      -- (1) Save Pointer
      -- **** This Line reports: ****
      -- raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
      Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access;    -- This Compiles...
      -- ^^^ I know that this is not correct.
      --     But it was the only way I could find to get it to compile.      
      Data    : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
      -- (2) Get Data
      Data := Foo.Get_Using_Pointer(This_Ptr => Foo_Ptr);    -- This Compiles...



   Foo.Initialize(This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
   Test(This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
end Main;

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1 Answer

0 votes
by (71.8m points)

Quick answer:

Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Unchecked_Access;

Checked as far as I can with

lockheed:jerunh simon$ gnatmake main.adb -gnat95 -f
gcc -c -gnat95 main.adb
gcc -c -gnat95 foo.adb
gnatbind -x main.ali
gnatlink main.ali
lockheed:jerunh simon$ ./main
lockheed:jerunh simon$ 

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